People have come to appreciate more and more handmade art, whether they are clothes items or decorative objects. Decorating your house with Moroccan poufs which look fantastic and also have practical uses can be a wonderful idea, and if you don’t know too much yet about little precious Moroccan slippers also called babouche, then read on.
Moroccan poufs are basically traditional furniture items. They were used to seat on at reunions and conversations, but now most buyers use them as rest legs. They are comfortable supports for placing your tired feet on after long working hours, while watching TV, or doing some other activity. Moroccan poufs can also make comfortable seats for your guests who will for sure admire the very rare exotic aspect they’ve got.
Another great advantage Moroccan poufs are endowed with is that they occupy less space than chairs do, and they do not block the view, as they are backseat less. So, if you have guests around with their children too, space is no longer a worrying issue, for little ones can run around these Moroccan poufs without being exposed to accidents as much as around chairs. Besides a living packed with lovely vividly colored Moroccan poufs surely does look a lot better than a living room packed with usual stiff chairs.
About Moroccan slippers you should know that they are hand made designed, dyed and embroidered, and they are also called babouche. A pair of babouche is usually pointed, but also round shaped sometimes. They’re wonderfully beaded and patterned by very talented Moroccan manufacturers. Every single babouche is unique and superbly distinguishable. Babouche are intended for indoors use, but because they are so incredibly light and comfy you just won’t resist not wearing them outdoors, too. Finding just one single pair of babouche will turn out to be a very difficult task. Specific Moroccan bold colours are so attractive that you’ll be unable to choose only one favourite item. They come in fuchsia, turquoise, orange, olive, lime green, navy blue and so many other shades and various patterns. Your feet will certainly be noticed and admired with these lovely precious Moroccan traditional babouche.
One thing you must ensure of before buying your preferred items is the leather quality. These products are carefully made with the intention and concern to make its life span as long as possible. But of course the leather quality will finally tell its word. So, ensure you’ll get the finest lamb leather quality, whether you’ll buy Moroccan poufs, or babouche.
Browsing through pretty galleries can be a very funny activity. You’ll certainly like to exercise your imagination and try visualizing several poufs around your living space. Trying to imagine what items in your wardrobe could work together with pretty babouche can also be quite amusing. They can also make perfect gifts for your family members and friends, especially if they have a taste for beautiful Arabian design.